S - Pen Names
Rhondi Salsitz - see Charles Ingrid Joseph Samachson - see William Morrison Warren B. Sand - see F. Orlin Tremaine George Sanders - see Leigh Brackett - see Cleve Cartmill Winston P. Sanders - see Poul Anderson Dave Sands - see Bryce Walton Alfred Santos - see F. Orlin Tremaine Charles Satterfield - see Lester Del Rey - see Frederik Pohl Sergeant Saturn - see Oscar J. Friend - see Sam Merwin - see Mort Weisinger Caleb Saunders - see Robert A. Heinlein Wes Saunders - see Sydney J. Bounds William Carter Sawtelle - see Rog Phillips William Scarff - see Algis Budrys Schire - see John Russell Fearn Harold Schoepflin - see Harl Vincent Paul Schofield - see E. C. Tubb Sandy Schofield - see Kristine Kathryn Rusch - see Dean Wesley Smith Doom Sclanders - see John Russel Fearn Chesman Scot - see Kenneth Bulmer Jay Scotland - see John Jakes Martin Scott - see Richard Gehman Martin Scott (fantasy) - see Martin Millar Michael Scott - see Michael Scott Rohan Robin Scott - see Robin Wilson Idris Seabright - see Margaret St. Clair John Seabright - see E. C. Tubb Joan Seagar - see John Russel Fearn Lee Sebastian - see Robert Silverberg Curt Selby - see Doris Piserchia John A. Sentry - see Algis Budrys Edward Serling - see Rod Serling Alan Seymour - see S. Fowler Wright C. C. Shackleton - see Brian Aldiss Thomas Shadwell - see Arthur Byron Cover - see John Gregory Betancourt - see Tim Sullivan Rose Sharon - see Judith Merrill D. Richard Sharpe - see Richard S. Shaver Brian Shaw - see John Russel Fearn - see E. C. Tubb - see David Wright O'Brian - see David A. Griffiths David Shaw - see David A. Griffiths Robert Sanders Shaw - see Sam Moskowitz Frank S. Shawn - see Ron Goulart Alice Sheldon - see James Tiptree, Jr. John Sheldon - see Robert Bloch Racoona Sheldon - see James Tiptree, Jr. Roy Sheldon - see H. J. Campbell - see E. C. Tubb Miles Shelton - see Don Wilcox Michael Sherman - see Robert W. Lowndes Peter Michael Sherman - see Robert W. Lowndes Nelson Sherwood - see Kenneth Bulmer Ray P. Shotwell - see Ray Cummings Jan Siegel - see Amanda Hemingway Joseph Silva - see Ron Goulart Richard Silver - see Kenneth Bulmer Mark Simmons - see Joe R. Landsdale Jack Slade - see Barry Cord (Peter Germano) John Slate - see John Russel Fearn Ray Slater - see Joe R. Landsdale John Sloan - see T. W. Wade Ralph W. Slone - see Ralph Williams Carmichael Smith - see Cordweiner Smith Ford Smith - see Oscar J. Friend Jan Smith - see George H. Smith John Allyn Smith - see John Berryman Julia Smith - see Jonathan Wylie Lawrence Smith - see Sydney J. Bounds Richard E. Smith - see Richard R. Smith Rosamond Smith - see Joyce Carol Oates Woodrow Wilson Smith - see Henry Kuttner Lemony Snicket - see Daniel Handler Gerald Sohl - see Jerry Sohl Jay Solo - see Harlan Ellison Bart Somers - see Gardner F. Fox S. P. Somtow - see Somtow Sucharitkul Nils O. Sonderlund - see Jack Williamson Clark South - see Dwight V. Swain Leonard Spalding - see Ray Bradbury Deutero Spartacus - see Robert L. Fanthrope Douglas Spaulding Leonard Spaulding - see Ray Bradbury Leonard G. Spencer - see Randall Garrett - see Robert Silverberg Alice Sprague - see A. Orr Carter Sprague - see Sam Merwin Blakely St. James - see Charles Platt David St. John - see John Baxter Philip St. John - see Lester Del Rey Sterner St. Paul - see S. P. Meek Geoffrey St. Reynard - see Robert W. Krepps Manny St. Vivant - see Jerome Bixby Trevor Staines - see John Brunner Marge Stanley - see Stanley Weinbaum Eric John Stark - see Leigh Brackett Henderson Starke - see Kris Neville John Starr - see Roger Dee - see Mary Elizabeth Councelman Mark Starr - see Gerard Klein Vargo Statten - see John Russell Fearn A. R. Steber - see Rog Phillips - see Raymond A. Palmer Addison E. Steele - see Richard A. Lupoff Morris J. Steele - see Raymond A. Palmer Con Steffanson - see Ron Goulart Jane Stemple - see Jane Yolen Reed Stephens - see Stephen Donaldson Brett Sterling - see Edmond Hamilton - see Ray Bradbury Paul Frederick Stern - see Paul Ernst Felix Stevens - see Jerome Bixby John Stevens - see E. C. Tubb R. L. Stevens - see Edward D. Hoch Will Stewart - see Jack Williamson Charles Stoddard - see Henry Kuttner Abraham Stoker - see Bram Stoker Zachary Stone - see Ken Follett Richard Storey - see Horace Gold Mallory Storm - see Paul W. Fairman Russell Storm - see Robert Moore Williams H. Philip Stratford - see Kenneth Bulmer Thomas Stratton - see Robert Coulson - see Gene DeWeese David Stringer - see Keith Roberts Albert Stroud - see Algis Budrys Hal Stryker - see George H. Smith Don A. Stuart - see John W. Campbell H. C. Stubbs - see Hal Clement Don Studebaker - see Jon DeCles Sean Mei Sullivan - see Jerry Sohl Vernon Sullivan - see Boris Vian Diana Summers - see George H. Smith Logan Swanson - see Richard Matheson Steven Swiniarski - see S. Andrew Swann John Swithen - see Stephen King |
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