Robert A. Heinlein
"The Moon is the Harsh Mistress"
---------------------------------------------- Robert Heinlein is definitely one of the shapers of the genre, who reigned supreme during the Golden Age of Science Fiction. His most entertaining and ground-breaking period was the 40s and early 50s. Later in the 50s he wrote quite a few moderately interesting young adult space novels, and then turned to existential and pseudo-religious opuses, which steadily grew in page count, essentially destroying his reputation and fan base (or rather gained him another fan base, depending how you look at it). Such indulgence sadly obscures the fact that his Golden Age novels and stories are simply a blast and are highly recommended. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Robert A. Heinlein "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" (nv) © IF, Dec 1965 book: Putnam, 1966 --novel : 1966 Hugo --novel : 1967 Hugo W --novel : 1967 Nebula --all time novel : 1975 Locus All-Time Poll /8 --hall of fame : 1983 Prometheus W --all time sf novel : 1987 Locus All-Time Poll /4 --sf novel (before 1990) : 1998 Locus All-Time Poll /2 For those interested in politics, society upheavals and dynamics of power, this novel is an indispensable source to study and relish. The SF Reviews site (and most critics) gave it the highest rating as a SF classic. (read the positive review here) Classic it very well may be, but in my experience it caused a tooth ache, and put my brain on a freeze for as long as I read it. The dry, joyless narrative does not surprise or entertain (other than standard techno-SF fare and strong but one-dimensional Heinlein characters, solving the all-important questions of politics and power) I do not deny the attraction it holds for millions of readers, I just mourn the fact that it could've been written in a much livelier and more spell-binding way, given the subject. Think of what depth Frank Herbert could've brought to this harsh and fascinating Moon mining environment. Or even Clarke, with his implied vistas of wonder. None here, only the bleak, barren wastes of petty revolts, political discussions, dry dialogues, flat military action, one-dimensional and un-inspiring, like the Moon landscape itself. (Moon landscape is actually quite inspiring, it depends on how you look at it) Heinlein wrote a book that was destined to be a classic to certain people, and a "non-event" to others. Don't read it to pass time at the dentist, it will only make you more miserable. One disclaimer, though - by all means read it if you enjoy the long-winded politics and sturdy character development. Also read it just to get acquainted with a SF Classic. So that you could answer "Yes, I've read it" if anybody asks. Just don't expect it to be easy or inspiring reading. It is hard work among the bleak lunar lanscapes, soldier. ![]() SEE ALL REVIEWS FOR THIS WRITER ---------------------------------------------- Labels: Features |
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I agree with this review. Other than it being a "mandatory read" for SF fans, I don't see myself picking this up again...
This SF book was great
SF provides ideas as it's appeal just as much as the skill of the word smith, and that does not seem to be recognised in the review. The story is the earliest 'singularity' story .. that is, AI birth, that I recall reading.
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