Best Science Fiction Collections
Single-author short story collections only, not anthologies. _______________________________________ FIRST PLACE Best SF Collection Sergei Snegov "Lyudi Kak Bogi" ( incl. "Galakticheskaya Razvedka" "Vtorzhenie V Persei" and "Koltzo Obratnogo Vremeni") _____________________________________________________ SECOND PLACE Best SF Collection Brian Aldiss "Long Afternoon of Earth" ("Hothouse") J. G. Ballard "Chronopolis" ("The Disaster Area") Jerome Bixby "Space By The Tail" Ray Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles" Samuel R. Delany "Driftglass" William Gibson "Burning Chrome" Henry Kuttner "Return To Otherness"; "Robots Have No Tails" Larry Niven "Neutron Star" Alastair Reynolds "Galactic North" Eric Frank Russell "Men, Martians And Machines" Robert Sheckley "Pilgrimage to Earth" James White "Hospital Station" Askold Yakubowski "Kupol Galaktiki" _____________________________________________________ THIRD PLACE Best SF Collection Brian Aldiss "The Airs Of Earth" ("Starswarm") "Space, Time & Nathaniel" Poul Anderson "Explorations" Isaac Asimov "I, Robot" J. G. Ballard "The Impossible Man", "Vermillion Sands" Greg Bear "Tangents" Alfred Bester "The Dark Side Of The Earth" Eando Binder "Puzzle of the Space Pyramids" Leigh Brackett "The Halfling" Ray Bradbury "The Illustrated Man" John W. Campbell "Who Goes There?" C. J. Cherryh "Sunfall" Arthur Clarke "The Lost Worlds Of 2001" Dmitry DeSpiller "Poyuschie Skaly" Paul Di Filippo "Ribofunk" Philip K. Dick "The Days of Perky Pat"; "The Variable Man" Harlan Ellison "Angry Candy"; "Approaching Oblivion" Edmond Hamilton "Horror on the Asteroid" Neil R. Jones "Twin Worlds" Henry Kuttner "Ahead Of Time"; "No Boundaries" Ursula Le Guin "The Wind's Twelve Quarters" Murray Leinster "Get Off My World!" George R. R. Martin "A Song For Lya" Richard Matheson "The Shores Of Space" Michael Moorcock "The Time Dweller" Christopher Priest "Real-Time World" Ross Rocklynne "The Sun Destroyers" Eric Frank Russell "Somewhere a Voice" Bob Shaw "Cosmic Kaleidoscope"; "Ship Of Strangers" Robert Sheckley "Citizen In Space"; "The People Trap" "Untouched By Human Hands" Clifford Simak "All The Traps Of Earth"; "Strangers In The Universe" Cordwainer Smith "Quest Of The Three Worlds" Bruce Sterling "Crystal Express" Theodore Sturgeon "A Way Home" Michael Swanwick "Gravity's Angels" A. E. Van Vogt "Voyage Of The Space Biggle" "The War Against the Rull" John Varley "The Persistence Of Vision" Jack Williamson "The Pandora Effect"; "People Machines" _____________________________________________________ FOURTH PLACE Best SF Collection Brian Aldiss "Galaxies Like Grains Of Sand" "The Saliva Tree & Other Strange Growths" Poul Anderson "Beyond The Beyond" "Conquests" ("Seven Conquests"); "Guardians of Time" "The Star Fox"; "Time And Stars" J. G. Ballard "The Four-Dimensional Nightmare" "The Overloaded Man"; "The Terminal Beach" "The Voices Of Time" Arthur K. Barnes "Interplanetary Hunter" Terry Bisson "In The Upper Room & Other Stories" Leigh Brackett "The Coming Of Terrans" Fredric Brown "Angels and Spaceships" Paul Di Filippo "Strange Trades" Philip K. Dick "The Eye of the Sybil" ("The Little Black Box") "Beyond Lies The Wub" ("Paycheck") Harlan Ellison "Alone Against Tomorrow" "Ellison Wonderland"; "Shatterday"; "Strange Wine" Robert A. Heinlein "The Green Hills of Earth" Neil R. Jones "The Sunless World" Victor Kolupaev "Kacheli Otshelnika" Henry Kuttner "Line To Tomorrow" George R. R. Martin "Tuf Voyaging" Vladimir Mikhailov "Ruchei Na Yapete" Walter Miller, Jr. "Conditionally Human" (UK) Robert Sheckley "Notions : Unlimited"; "Shards Of Space" "Store Of Infinity" Clifford Simak "The Worlds of Clifford Simak" "So Bright the Vision" Norman Spinrad "No Direction Home" Bruce Sterling "Globalhead" Theodore Sturgeon "Sturgeon is Alive And Well"; "Starshine" William Tenn "The Human Angle" Jack Vance "Future Tense"; "The World Between and Other Stories" "The Moon Moth and Other Stories" A. E. Van Vogt "Away & Beyond" Ian Watson "The Very Slow Time Machine" Stanley Weinbaum "Dawn of Flame" Jack Williamson "The Power Of Blackness" Gene Wolfe "Endangered Species" Roger Zelazny "Four For Tomorrow" ("A Rose For Ecclesiates") ------------ Also see: (full navigation tree) BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL: Best SF Novel (General Themes) Best Space SF Novel Best Time SF Novel Best Apocalyptic SF Novel BEST SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTIONS BEST SCIENCE FICTION SERIES: Best SF Series (general themes) Best Space SF Series BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVELLA: Best SF Novella 1920-1960 (general themes) Best SF Novella 1961-now (general themes) Best Space SF Novella 1920-1960 Best Space SF Novella 1961-now Best Time SF Novella Best Apocalyptic SF Novella BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORY: Best SF Story 1920-1960 (general themes) Best SF Story 1961-now (general themes) Best Space SF Story 1920-1960 Best Space SF Story 1961-now Best Time SF Story Best Apocalyptic SF Story BEST FANTASY NOVEL BEST FANTASY COLLECTION BEST FANTASY SERIES BEST FANTASY NOVELLA BEST FANTASY STORY: Best Fantasy Story 1920-1960 Best Fantasy Story 1961-now --------------------- RETURN TO MAIN PAGE Labels: best |
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"SF&F Reading Experience" is part of "Dark Roasted Blend / Thrilling Wonder" family of sites. We try to highlight the most entertaining and rewarding science fiction and fantasy, with emphasis on memorable reader experience, not necessarily general acceptance by the critics. Have fun, and delve into our extensive ratings and reviews! Most reviews are written by Avi Abrams, unless otherwise noted. Reviews also appear on our unique historical retrospective page Wonder Timeline of Science Fiction. Feel free to submit your own review, if a particular story is not listed here. All major OFFICIAL AWARDS are highlighted in BLUE ("winner" has a letter "W" by it, otherwise it is a runner-up only) Our PERSONAL AWARDS (ratings) are highlighted in RED and PURPLE: --/ first place : --/ second place : --/ third place : --/ fourth place : --/ cool : (equal to fifth place) ALL "BEST OF" LISTS ARE LOCATED HERE These awards are given in the following categories: - novel : - series : - novella : - story : - collection : Also, there are our personal STYLE / GENRE SPECIFIC AWARDS. These reflect the story's content and the lasting impression on the reader: --/ wonder award sense-of-wonder, "visual intensity" and inventiveness --/ idea award originality of idea / concept --/ adventure award exhilarating plot, excitement / action --/ style award outstanding literary qualities, inimitable style --/ romance award intense and beautiful love / relationships --/ humour award funny and cool --/ emotion award touching, lasting impression, sensitivity --/ shock value altogether wild --/ awesome scale mind-boggling; further enhances sense-of-wonder --/ rare find very hard to locate, mostly from old pulps, never reprinted, etc. Again, please feel free to leave your own review or comment under every writer's entry; also recommend us other stories you liked. |
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