Best Science Fiction Series
DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY "SPACE-THEMED SF" SERIES! Space SF Series have their own list: BEST SPACE SF SERIES This list rates only the impact something had on me as an individual reader, not necessarily reflecting the impact on SF field in general, critical acceptance, etc. Plus I only put series here if I read all of it COMPLETELY, so many of series would be absent. _____________________________________________________ FIRST PLACE Best SF Series Alastair Reynolds "Revelation Space series" _____________________________________________________ SECOND PLACE Best SF Series Ray Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles" Henry Kuttner "Hogbens series" Henry Kuttner "Prof. Gallagher series" Lucius Shepard "Life During Wartime series" _____________________________________________________ THIRD PLACE Best SF Series Isaac Asimov "Robot Series" J. G. Ballard "Vermillion Sands" Paul Di Filippo "RiboFunk series" Jack Williamson "Humanoids series" _____________________________________________________ FOURTH PLACE Best SF Series Poul Anderson "Time Patrol series" Isaac Asimov "Foundation series" Felix Gotschalk "Dome series" C. J. Cherryh "Sunfall series" Michael Moorcock "The Dancers at the End of Time" Andre Norton "Time Traders series" Frederick Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth "Clair & Gaynor series" Clifford Simak "City series" Charles Stross "Lobsters series" Jack Williamson "Black Lantern series" << Return to Top of Page --------------- Also see: (full navigation tree) BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL: Best SF Novel (General Themes) Best Space SF Novel Best Time SF Novel Best Apocalyptic SF Novel BEST SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTIONS BEST SCIENCE FICTION SERIES: Best SF Series (general themes) Best Space SF Series BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVELLA: Best SF Novella 1920-1960 (general themes) Best SF Novella 1961-now (general themes) Best Space SF Novella 1920-1960 Best Space SF Novella 1961-now Best Time SF Novella Best Apocalyptic SF Novella BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORY: Best SF Story 1920-1960 (general themes) Best SF Story 1961-now (general themes) Best Space SF Story 1920-1960 Best Space SF Story 1961-now Best Time SF Story Best Apocalyptic SF Story BEST FANTASY NOVEL BEST FANTASY COLLECTION BEST FANTASY SERIES BEST FANTASY NOVELLA BEST FANTASY STORY: Best Fantasy Story 1920-1960 Best Fantasy Story 1961-now --------------------- RETURN TO MAIN PAGE Labels: best |
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"SF&F Reading Experience" is part of "Dark Roasted Blend / Thrilling Wonder" family of sites. We try to highlight the most entertaining and rewarding science fiction and fantasy, with emphasis on memorable reader experience, not necessarily general acceptance by the critics. Have fun, and delve into our extensive ratings and reviews! Most reviews are written by Avi Abrams, unless otherwise noted. Reviews also appear on our unique historical retrospective page Wonder Timeline of Science Fiction. Feel free to submit your own review, if a particular story is not listed here. All major OFFICIAL AWARDS are highlighted in BLUE ("winner" has a letter "W" by it, otherwise it is a runner-up only) Our PERSONAL AWARDS (ratings) are highlighted in RED and PURPLE: --/ first place : --/ second place : --/ third place : --/ fourth place : --/ cool : (equal to fifth place) ALL "BEST OF" LISTS ARE LOCATED HERE These awards are given in the following categories: - novel : - series : - novella : - story : - collection : Also, there are our personal STYLE / GENRE SPECIFIC AWARDS. These reflect the story's content and the lasting impression on the reader: --/ wonder award sense-of-wonder, "visual intensity" and inventiveness --/ idea award originality of idea / concept --/ adventure award exhilarating plot, excitement / action --/ style award outstanding literary qualities, inimitable style --/ romance award intense and beautiful love / relationships --/ humour award funny and cool --/ emotion award touching, lasting impression, sensitivity --/ shock value altogether wild --/ awesome scale mind-boggling; further enhances sense-of-wonder --/ rare find very hard to locate, mostly from old pulps, never reprinted, etc. Again, please feel free to leave your own review or comment under every writer's entry; also recommend us other stories you liked. |
In browsing through your lists I am struck by how much I agree with the titles you have chosen although not necessarily with the rankings within each list. Best SF Series in particular bothered me because of the choice of Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space in first place. It's good, even very good, but not good enough to be "best". In particular it's too recent to be so highly rated. It's unclear as to how well it will stand the test of time.
I would have chosen several items instead in that top place. In particular Asimov's Robot or Foundation series had an enormous impact on the SF field when they appeared and contuinue to have to this day (the Robots in particular). They are far more deserving of top spot than the Reynolds series, which, enjoyable and popular as it is is not really ground breaking in any way. Similarly Simak's City and Bradbury's Martian Chronicles might also better deserve top billing than Reynolds.
Thank you for your comment!
I put a little disclaimer on top of list, just to emphasize, that all this "best rating" is according to the impact on me personally as a reader, not necessarily SF field in general...
As such, Reynolds is my choice, as I lean toward pulp space adventure in my likings, and prefer good "color" to "politics and science" - as my rating of Asimov's Foundation clearly testifies :)
There is also the fact that I am still only starting to read Reynolds, hoping the rest of novels will stand up to my expectation, so this rating is partly "in advance". Simak's City I have not even read yet (!) in entirety, so I fully expect this series to climb up. As for Bradbury, his STYLE rules, but not enough "sense-of-wonder" action for my likings. I would also point to every "individual writer" entries in this blog, they have lots more info on each individual story.
Again, that was great to hear from you!
I would have to vote for the Foundation series, which blew me away when I first read it many years ago. I'm speaking of the first three novels, which were "fix-ups" made up of stories that appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in the 1940s.
Another great series, IMHO, is Anderson's Time Patrol. I think I have read and everything in that series and it is fascinating.
I'm surprised that you didn't mention Burroughs' Mars series, the granddaddy of planetary adventure and one of the foundations of the SF genre. And if you haven't read Simak's City stories you really should. It is a fairly short fix-up, but it has stories that have had me thinking for a long time.
moosj, thanks for tips...
Simak stories are my favorites... I just have not finished complete series yet.
Burroughs is not there simply because I have not read him, but am certainly aware of him. Will see till he comes out on a big screen :)
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